Sunday, January 27, 2013

To blog, or not to blog, that is the question..

The thing about blogging is, in order to be effective you actually need to post stuff or else what's the point?  If you post every six months or yearly (like me) you lose the interest of your readers and, if you're super unlucky like I am they have since changed their email address since your last message.  So what's the point in blogging?

Honestly, I'm not sure.  I think the point is to get those random, not-worth-writing-a-book-about thoughts-that-you-just-need-to-get-off-your-chest out there; into the random empty hole that is the internet.  Whether you have 'followers' or people who read your stuff isn't necessarily the goal.  While I'm not sure what the goal is exactly, it feels good for my fingers to be moving their 68- ish words-per-minute and typing about... nothing.

There is a lot going on in my crazy mind; things that may or may not be of interest to you but here is the place I will type them anyways... of course 'anyways' is not a word, my son reminds me regularly.  I don't understand why it is not a word.  It seems to fit into so many of my conversations better than 'anyhow' does.  So to whomever decides on what words are legitimate and which words are not (now what a fun job that would be) I would like you to reconsider yo ur decision on the word 'anyways' as it brings me great happiness~

And isn't that really the point of life; to be happy?

'Anyways', onto a more interesting blog post about my suckiness as a mother...

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